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Develop Your Child's Islamic Identity

This online academy has been developed for parents who want to give their child a better understanding of past, historical events and use this knowledge to improve their own choices and help transform the world to a more just and peaceful place.

This site aims to develop an awareness and understanding of historical events both recent and historical to help children develop their own Islamic identity and avoid the need to fit into boxes presented to us as we mature.

The focus here is on educating your child to become a complete person with independent thought, rational ability, and a pragmatic approach based firmly on historical realities, high ethics, and moral principles.

"I created this site for the purpose of helping our children develop their Islamic identity through the teaching of an unbiased history of major events and how they have led to many of our current day problems of injustice and persecution in the world. Lessons from history can be learnt and never repeated but only if they are understood without bias and with the intention of protecting the innocent. "

Nisar Ahmed(Online Education Evangelist)
Picture of an Islamic library
Stack of books


Experienced online tutorswho are highly qualified in their subjects.

Courses online

Variety of courses to become available soon.

Groups & Batches

Batches running online with
Students enrolled.


Enrollment is easy.

History of Palestine

25 Courses
Learn about the history of Palestine. Learn about the history of the land, its people, its invaders, its glory, and the modern day colonisation.

Our Team

Teacher in front of a white board

Nisar Ahmed
Online Education Expert

Co-Founder, online curriculum design

Aysha Hussain
Online Tutor

e-Learning Developer

Rashid Patel
e-Learning Technology Expert

Online Technology Developer

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